I don’t know about you, but I fall into the Not Naturally Organized category. I’d love to fix that, but first I need to get a baseline established, which means a massive declutter of the entire house!
Working full time, this is a pretty intimidating task. On a recent day off work, I grabbed a Starbucks treat and sat down at the kitchen table for a mental walk-through of the house. Going from one area of the house to the next, I created a list of small tasks to slowly get our house tidy. I tried to keep them to thirty minutes or less, but the nature of the beast for some is bigger than that.
All the photos in this post are taken without staging, cleaning, or any preparation. This is the raw reality of my small home right now. I’d like to blame months of illness and general busy-ness, but this is our natural state. I’m hoping to be able to share an “after” video with everything shiny and clean (and keep it that way!) by the end of the year.
Front Entrance Task List

We live in a rear-
- Tidy the bag bins
- Get everything off the floor & pony wall
- Purge the shelf over the coats
- Reorganize the hat & mitt & helmet shelves in the closet
- Go through the coats
Living & Dining Room Tidying Task List

These two rooms can seem out of hand SO quickly, but it would only take me a couple hours and they’d be in the pristine state I dream of. We currently have the added bonus of a hole in the dining room ceiling due to some condensation on the stack for the main bathroom. Isn’t home ownership glorious?!
- Tidy the book cases
- Clean up behind and under the couch
- Tidy the piano
- Sort & purge the toys
- Price and list my baby carriers
- Clean up the top of the china cabinet
- Clear out the bottom drawer of the china cabinet (full of fish tank supplies — we haven’t had a fish tank in three years!)
- re-organize and purge the remaining drawers of the china cabinet
- Tidy the kids craft supplies in the broom closet (again)
- Reorganize and purge the home stuff in the broom closet
Kitchen Organization Task List

I’ve already been making some serious progress in the kitchen, so there isn’t as much to do in here. Saying that, there’s still a long list! I broke it down by individual cupboard.
- Plate cupboard – purge baby items, possibly reorganize
- Over the stove – organize
- Upper corner – tidy, sort, and purge, purge, purge!
- Over the fridge – tidy, sort, and purge, purge, purge!
- Baking cupboard – organize and purge
- Pantry. Save me.
- Counter – clear off as much as possible
Back Door Decluttering Task List

For a space that we rarely use, this is such a mess! It regularly ends up as the dumping ground for recycling (our pick-up is in the alley), stuff to go out to the garage, off season items, and who knows what else.
- Shoes!
- Purge
- Organize and move things around
Kids Bedrooms Task List

Until I started looking at my photos, I wasn’t too worried about the kids’ rooms. I try to keep on top of them and do a little bit each night at bedtime or when I’m putting away laundry. But I’ll be honest that most of my efforts are focused on the floor.
KonMarie fold thekids clothes- Purge clothes that are too small and move stuff that’s too big back into storage
- Tidy the top shelf of their closets
- Organize stuffies and dolls
- Tidy books and bookcases
- Clear off dressers
- Organize the top bunk
Upstairs Hallway Task List

For under 40 square feet, this space sure finds its way to being a clutter catcher!
- Linen closet – purge and organize
- Pony wall over stairs and shelf above the stairs – clear them off
- Any random stuff sitting out – put it away
Kids Bathroom Uncluttering Task List

This is another spot that I try to keep on top of when the kids are having a bath, but we still have a few spots I need to go through.
- Under the sink – organize & purge
- Eldest’s hair stuff – organize & purge
- Bath toys – purge
Master Bathroom Cleaning Task List

I’ve recently made some progress here, but it needs another pass. Hubby is certainly contributing his share here.
- Medicine cabinet
- Under the sink
- Items on the floor
- Counter clutter
Master Bedroom Chaos Rangling List

Of the areas I’m “responsible” for, this is, by far, in the worst shape. Why do our personal spaces always seem to come in
- Top of the ANTONIUS – remove extra items
- RASKOG – tidy and put things away properly
- Chair – finish mending currently sitting on & under it
- Floor – organize and put away all the little piles
- Desk – find a home for everything
- Storage containers under bed – clean & purge
- Bedside tables – tidy & purge
- Closet – redesign & purge
- Laundry – stop leaving the drying rack out all week!
Hubby’s Zones Are His… For Now
There are a few spaces in the home that are primarily Hub’s domain. The basement and garage have become his areas, and I’ve done my best to stay out of them. I know I have stuff in both that I could help organize, but the rest of this list will likely keep me busy for most of the year!
Plan Of Attack
Now that I have a solid uncluttering task list, I plan to work on one or two spots at a time. I’ll take before and after (and maybe some during) photos to share, and link up to those posts from here so you can follow along.
This is exactly how I tackle clean/decluttering. I find it really satisfying to cross it out after! The only problem is when you do one and then you turn around and it’s fallen apart again! Good luck taking on the clutter!
Yes! The magically reappearing clutter is a nightmare! We have a few clutter collector spots in the house that are a constant struggle. I can’t wait to be on the defensive side of the clutter battle instead of offensive!
Taken all together that’s quite the list, that being said though I really need to make a list of my own and get myself organized.
It gets kind of overwhelming all at once, isn’t it? I love that I can pick one item and just GET IT DONE in 30 minutes. It’s not an overwhelming “clean the living room”. And it’s so satisfying to strike it off!